You see, the Cornerstone is the thing that a house is built around. Remove it and the whole thing crumbles. A brick is kind of like Jenga; remove it and chances are you are still doing ok. So is Jesus the Cornerstone or a Brick? Is he the thing that, if you remove, the whole thing crumbles? Some people might see this as a bad thing. They might say, "Jesus is great and we should have him in our lives as a positive influence, as a moral guide, possibly even saying the Jesus Christ is the Son of God and should be in our lives because he is the only way to God. BUT dont build everything on top of that." I think there are a lot of people like that, even a lot of people who call themselves Christians.
But can you be a Christian is Jesus is just another brick? If your life, every aspect of your life, isn't dependent upon Jesus Christ being the Messiah and the one that we follow, how can we call ourselves Christian, disciples of Jesus Christ. I know that I am not perfect. I know there are times that I try to relegate Jesus to a brick, that I say "It's just my choices in music or movies, its entertainment and Jesus doesnt really care what I listen to or watch." Or perhaps I live as if the Bible is just another book, as if Jesus wasnt speaking literally when he said "If any man is to come after me, he must take up his cross and follow me. He who seeks to save his life will lose it and he who loses his life for my sake and the Gospel, will find it." So I dont really need to be lost in him.
But I do. I have to. If I call myself His disciple, I have no other choice than to follow, even when I dont understand. This doesnt mean that it is wrong to question or doubt or seek out answers. We are told to do that, being "wise as serpents yet innocent as doves." Questioning but following in faith. So how about it. Is Jesus just another brick or the cornerstone?
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