Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm Famous... sort of

So in my RELEVANT highlight of last week, I got to interview a band named Reilly. You can check out their tunes that they played acoustic for RELEVANT and the interview that I did with them by clicking HERE. They have three songs there and have a rad cover of Buffalo Springfield, For What It's Worth. It was a good time, I really dig their music (the live version, at least) and their guitarist played slide guitar using a glass filled with Coca-Cola. And he drank the Coca-Cola from a straw as he played. That is rock and roll. So rock and roll. And their design is freaking sweet. Love it and it is all designed by their bass player. Below is their music video that won first place in the music video category at the San Diego Film Festival.

1 comment:

  1. love this music video.
    love reading your blog.
    love stalking your articles @ relevant mag.

    Chris Rule: I praise God for giving you the beautiful gift of eloquence and for sharing it with the world. :)
